Awards / Recognitions:
Graphis New Talent Annual 2018, Silver
From blue whales to polar bears, WWF fights to secure a future for animals on the planet we all share.
Today, it's the world's largest conservation organization committed to saving endangered species.
Today, it's the world's largest conservation organization committed to saving endangered species.
Inspired by the magic works of Martin Handford: Where is Waldo?
CW: Margherita Teodori / Illustrator: Henriett Racz / GD-AD: Caro Latorraca

Like other large whales, blue whales are threatened by environmental change including habitat loss and toxics. Blue whales can also be harmed by ship strikes and by becoming entangled in fishing gear. Although commercial whaling no longer represents a threat, climate change and its impact on krill, blue whales' major prey, makes this cetacean particularly vulnerable.

The Arctic’s polar bears have become the iconic symbol of early victims of climate-induced habitat loss. Designated a threatened species for protection by the Endangered Species Act in the US, many polar bear populations will be vulnerable to extinction within the next century if warming trends in the Arctic continue at the current pace.

Listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List (2009), the Javan Rhino is considered to be one of the most endangered large mammals in the world with only two populations existing in the wild, for a total number of less than 60 animals.

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